What We Believe
The Tenets of our Faith
  • We believe in a Trinitarian God.
  • We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ and hence our Personal Savior.

  • We believe that God is Love, therefore we should love God with everything we are and we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
  • We believe in the three ancient creeds of the Church: the Nicene-

    Constantinople Creed, the St. Athanasius and Apostles’ Creeds.

  • We believe in the inerrancy and Divine Inspiration of Holy Scriptures.

  • We believe in that the Traditions are inspired by God and useful for the guiding of the saints.

  • We hold valid Apostolic Succession which is the uninterrupted descent or lineage from the Apostles of Jesus Christ and perpetuated by successive ordinations of bishops.

  • We believe in the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Annointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, Holy Matrimony, and Holy Orders.

  • We believe in the Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist/Communion.

  • We believe that Holy Orders (bishops, presbyter, and deacons) are open to those who meet the respective qualifications and qualities presented in scripture. (1 Timothy 3).

  • We believe and accept the doctrines of the seven initial Church Ecumenical Councils: First Council of Nicaea in 325, the First Council of Constantinople in 381, the Council of Ephesus in 431, the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, the Third Council of Constantinople from 680–681 and finally, the Second Council of Nicaea in 787.

  • We believe and appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the early Church Fathers.

  • We believe that all life is created by God at conception and therefore should be perserved and respected (cf. Psalm 139: 13-16).

  • We believe that God created man and woman in his image (cf. Genesis 1:27).
  • We believe in the sanctity of Holy Matrimony/Marriage; and we further believe that Jesus through the Sacrament of Confession forgives those who have been divorced. Those who are divorced may again receive church sacraments after making a sacramental confession of sin. (cf. Luke 12: 8-10). There is only one unforgiveable sin. (Matt 12:31, Marl 3:28).

  • Holy Matrimony/Marriage is between One Man and One Woman (cf. Genesis 2:24).
  • We believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
  • We believe and follow Sacred Scripture in all matters.

  • We believe that there is a Heaven, and it is the Throne Room where God Almighty resides with the Saints and Angels.

  • We believe that there is a nether region referred to with multiple names such as Hades, hell and Sheol.